Reiki for Christians
Connect with the Holy Spirit
“Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith.”
First Corinthians 12:13
“Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.”
Ephesians 1:13-14

Reiki is rooted in christ
Many don't know that Reiki is actually a spiritual healing modality rooted in Christ. While Reiki has ancient roots tracing back over 2500 years, it was brought back into contemporary practice by Mikao Usui, a Christian headmaster in Japan during the 1940s. Usui believed in Jesus' miraculous healings and studied the Bible and Christian scriptures for 7 years in effort to understand how Jesus performed his miracles.
His religious exploration led him to fast at the top of a holy mountain, Mount Kurama, in attempt to connect with God and awaken the healing energy within himself. After 21 days of fasting, he had a shocking, yet profound experience of a white light appearing to him and knocking him unconscious. When he awoke, he could see rainbow colors and symbols in the sky that were vibrating and transmitting messages to him. He was so filled with light and energy, despite a 21 day fast, which was the first sign that something miraculous had occurred. Shortly

thereafter, Usui encountered several miraculous instances of instantaneous healing, both within himself and others. These experiences led him to the profound realization that he had been blessed with the divine gift of Christ's healing energy.
Reiki is a Japanese Kanji word; "Rei" means God's wisdom or God's light, and "ki" means universal life force energy. Usui began teaching a few students this healing modality and Reiki began to spread.
How reiki lost its root

As Reiki journeyed to the West, it underwent a process of westernization, primarily due to its transmission by Usui's students, many of whom were doctors. Consequently, some aspects of its spiritual essence were diluted or lost along the way. Reiki experienced a decline in Japan before resurging in popularity some time later, albeit in a westernized form, as that was the standard practice of Reiki most prevalent at the time of resurgence.
Over the last few decades Reiki has spread rapidly, appealling mostly to the New Age spiritual community as there is a lot of distortion around Reiki and energy healing being of sin or a means to connect with demonic spirits. It is a very understandable and valid concern, as there are many practitioners who are disconnected from the Holy Spirit and are unknowingly connecting with lower vibrational energies.
The New Age Spiritual community is built on a foundation of "love and light", which has caused an unfortunate blindness that can actually deter us from God. Working with a practitioner who is well educated and experienced in the difference between God and illusory spirits can bring a sense of ease in knowing you are connecting with Holy energy.
Are you a follower of jesus?
Jesus taught us that when we accept him as our Lord and Savior, that we are gifted the Holy Spirit. Perhaps you can feel the energetic difference in someone who has a relationship with Jesus. If this is important to you as a follower of Jesus, ask to work with one of our Christian practitioners.
Reiki can be used as a bridge to connect with the Holy Trinity and experience God's light in a very personal, transformative way. Our Christian practitioners call in God's love and light, and only work with Jesus and the Holy Spirit for guidance and healing.
While the westernized version of Reiki doesn't hold to any religion, we understand the value of adhering to particular belief systems to bring a sense of spiritual alignment for those who are Christian.