Reiki Level I Certification

What you will learn:
What is Reiki?
The History of Reiki
The 5 Reiki Ideals
What Reiki Can Heal
The Human Biofield
The Psychosomatic Body Map
What Causes Energy Imbalance
How Energy Imbalance Creates Dis-ease
How to Grow Your Intuitive Abilities
Autogenic Meditation
What are Spirit Guides & Healing Angels?
How to Shield & Protect Your Energy
The 7 Chakra System - and the Chakras Nobody Talks About!
The Purification Process & Reiki Detox
Different Ways to Use Reiki
How to Connect With Your Reiki Guides
Self Reiki Healing
How to Give an Effective Treatment
How to use a Pendulum for Healing
Initiation of 3 Reiki Symbols

This Certification Program dives much deeper than the typical Reiki Training.
Our program is designed to help you expand your consciousness, develop a meaningful relationship with Source/God, and become a pure vessel for divine healing, whether it's for yourself, friends and family - or to start your own Reiki private practice!
Our programs offer a mentorship style training designed for the devotional student craving to dive deep into the world of spiritual healing. Reiki has the capacity to be more than just a skill that is "learned" in a workshop; what allows for Reiki to be profoundly life changing is through immersion and a developing a personal intimate relationship with Source/God. To be a conduit of God's light, we must strengthen our own relationship with our Creator, learn what it means to be a vessel for Spirit, and expand our capacity to hold Source/God's energy, which takes mentorship and time.
Level I is about self healing. We must identify the places where our faith is fractured or our relationship with God needs strengthening. I will help you to find where you are disconnected from Source and begin the healing journey of reconnecting. Our belief and approach to Reiki is that it is embodied spirituality. It is about feeling the tangible presence of God and Spirit, and learning how to personally communicate with the Spirit Realm.
We have ongoing support available between each level of training to help integrate and connect with community; we would love to have you at our monthly Self-Reiki Healings, Reiki Circles or Spiritual Development Mentorship Calls.
Internships and job opportunities are available for Reiki of San Diego Alumni if you are interested in joining our team of healers!
The Level I Certification Program attunes and certifies you as a
Level I Practitioner, in which you can practice on yourself.
Level II is required to practice on others.
You cannot practice professionally or accept payment
for your services until you are a Certified Level II Practitioner.

What makes this training different?
Reiki was created in Japan in the 1920s; when it traveled to the Western hemisphere many of the ancient traditions and practices were lost as it needed to become more accessible than the lifetime of study traditional Reiki Masters used to embark on. Reiki was originally designed to be a practice of living in the energy of Divine Consciousness, which allows our life force energy to flow freely. When we experience trauma or stress, our life force energy is affected, which can cause a ripple effect in the energy field and thus affecting our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. In the ancient Japanese tradition, becoming a true Reiki Master began with your own self healing and forming a strong relationship with Divine Consciousness, which required a lifetime commitment to walking a spiritual path. Once you have a strong, healthy connection with Divine Consciousness, then you can be a pure channel to support others.
Sara Mitteer created our programs to be a balance between accessibility & ease while still honoring the very special, ancient traditions and foundations. She found that with too much accessibility, we can lose the great potential that Reiki has to affect every aspect of our lives.
Our programs strive to bring back the core essence of Reiki, in an accessible way, while also blending it with modern spiritual healing, energy medicine, and psychology to invite even deeper spiritual healing. Ever since Sara received her Reiki certifications, she has been dedicated to creating the program she was looking for on her spiritual journey.
Sara craved to learn more about metaphysics, channeling, and spiritual expansion. The world of energy medicine has evolved immensely since the 1920s and there is so much more than just Reiki available to us now!
Sara has dreamed of creating a program that would allow you to reach the full potential of what Reiki and Spiritual Healing can offer. Having worked with over a thousand clients, Sara is constantly learning and adding new elements to her trainings as her expertise and spiritual wisdom expands.
With no regulation in the Reiki industry, there is a wide range of standards. Many Reiki Certification courses will condense your training into one or two days. While this allows you to receive a certification easily, our programs strive to bring a depth of quality that supports spiritual growth and connection, which simply takes time.
Level I is traditionally about self healing, however the application of self healing has been rather lost over the decades. This program provides an online course so you can learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home, in addition to a live in-person immersive training. Our programs are designed for the deep dive student, who wish to embark on a lifelong journey of spiritual growth and transformation.
We host monthly guided Self-Reiki Healing Workshops on the second Thursday of every month from 5:30-6:45pm via zoom to support the integration of your attunement, the strengthening of your Reiki channel, and the development of your relationship with Reiki, Spirit, your guides, and angels.
We hope to create a safe space for you to explore what spirituality means to you, how you want to incorporate it into your life, and to be inspired by what allowing Divine Consciousness and spiritual connection into your life can do.


Online Course
Join any time and begin right away
Move at your own pace on your own schedule
Take up to 1 year to complete the online portion or get lifetime access with VIP Registration
Recommended to complete the online course before attending the live immersion

live immersion
9hr Group Immersion hosted in Feb, May, Aug, Nov
Receive your Level I Attunement
Learn how to open your Reiki healing channel
Connect with your Reiki Guides
Learn 3 Reiki Symbols
Learn & Practice Self Reiki Healing
Learn how to use a pendulum for divination, channeling, and healing
You will receive your Reiki Level I Certification upon completion of both the online and live trainings.
Ready to embark on a life changing spiritual journey?