How does hypnosis work?
Brain imaging technology has shown that the connections in the brain are different under hypnosis. More specifically, the brain is strongly connected in the areas involved with making decisions and monitoring the environment. This allows the person to focus on what they are doing without asking why they are doing it nor observing the environment for fluctuations. With this relaxed state of mind, the unconscious is more alert and available to implement new ways of thinking, feeling, and being. The hypnotherapist will then be able to provide the unconscious mind with the pathway to achieve all the changes they are looking for.
Does hypnotherapy actually work?
We understand your concern. Stage/entertainment hypnosis and inexperienced, poorly trained hypnotists have invited a mixed consensus. Hypnosis is a well researched technique with high success rates for a variety of issues, including fears, phobias, habits, addictions, as well as more complex behavioral and cognitive concerns. The most common factors that affect whether hypnosis successfully changes people’s problems are willingness and motivation. The client must want the change they are seeking, be willing to follow the therapist’s guidance, and have the motivation to go after the change they desire. With these factors in alignment, we have seen our clients undergo substantial hypnotic experiences and receive massive changes in their lives. It is important to be selective with your hypnotherapist and ensure that you choose a highly trained, qualified professional.
How long will it take?
The length of time and number of sessions needed to change someone’s problem varies. One factor is the depth level of the problem; for example, quitting smoking versus becoming an optimistic person. A second factor is the client’s processing time; each individual processes and allows change at different rates. Some individuals experience immediate changes, some experience subtle changes over a length of time, and others experience most of their changes a period of time after they’ve completed their hypnotherapy sessions. We cannot predict how quickly one’s mind will process the change, however, we have found motivation and willingness plays a large role in the speed by which someone experiences change. On average, clients generally attend between 1-10 sessions depending on the factors described. Unlike most psychological practices, our hypnotherapy techniques are structured to make tangible changes as quickly as possible.
Does hypnosis work for everyone?
Research has found that 95 percent of people can be hypnotized to some degree. Willingness is the key factor for the success of hypnotherapy. Other factors include the individual’s ability to use their imagination, as well as the client’s trust in the therapist. Although hypnosis is not guaranteed to work for everyone, we have found this to be very rare with our clients. Our therapists genuinely care for our clients and take time to establish trusting therapeutic relationships. In addition, we take time to help our clients identify their core values and motivation to ensure they can achieve the life they truly want. With the knowledge our therapists have of the potential blocks to successful hypnotherapy, we are able to work through them if they appear.
How much does it cost?​
We have several hypnotherapists to choose from who range in price from $200 - $400 per session. Factors including level of therapist experience, length of the session, and length of the program will determine the session rate. We are happy to schedule a complimentary intake call to determine if hypnotherapy is the best fit for you and which therapist would be able to support you.